Monday, September 29, 2008

Getting the blog by email -- RSSFwd updates

For those who subscribe to this blog by email through the RSSfwd service, there are some changes to that service. RSSfwd is doing a major overhaul, and is currently asking subscribers to make a new account on their new system. You can do that directly on their new site, Login (and create a new account), then go to My Subscriptions and Schedule an Import of your old feeds. They will send you an email when your feeds are imported. You may get double emails until they turn the old service off.

They are supposed to be changing over this week, so at some point you will stop getting emails from me if you don't sign up again. Right now the blog link to sign up isn't working, so I've removed it until it starts working again. You might be able to sign up by adding the blog URL ( on the RSSfwd site.

Happy Reading! (However you do it!)

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Network downtime Sunday (9/28)

Nearly everything will be down Sunday (9/28) morning between 6 am and 1pm (Eastern, of course), while IT replaces equipment in our Data Center. Campus web pages, MySCSU, Vista, Banner, email (it'll still be received, you just won't be able to get at it.) They are replacing the circuit breakers that failed a few weeks ago, causing an unexpected complete outage.

Since the library website will also be down, here is a link to the most commonly used databases: Ebsco databases. You should still be able to log in, since the login server is housed at CCSU. If you are going to need another database Sunday morning, go to the databases page, right click (CTRL-click on a Mac) and choose Copy Shortcut/Link location, then paste the link into an email to yourself or something similar. Be sure to use the links on the database page, because the URL's in the address bar once you are in the database usually won't work.

Another work around for this is to use Google Scholar after setting the Library in your preferences. Click the Preferences link just to the right of the search box, and scroll down to the Library section. Search for Southern, and select SCSU. Now you will get Full Text @ Buley links which connect to our journal locator (like the Find Article @ SCSU links in the databases). JSTOR and ScienceDirect articles will come up this way. (I'm pretty sure this will work on Sunday--nothing in this sequence should be housed on campus. If not, just note down the interesting citations and use the Journal Locator to find which databases the journals are in.)

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Phishing, again

We've gotten another round of those phishing emails, asking for MySCSU email info.
DO NOT respond!
IT does not ask for info this way. If you did respond, get in touch with the Helpdesk right away ( or 203-392-5123). You also should change your password. NOW.

I've gotten a bunch of these on different email accounts; they are exactly alike, except for the domain name of the email. No IT or technical support department asks for info like this. If you get something like this and aren't sure, go to your email, IT, or IPS website (via your own bookmarks or web search, not a link in the email) and find the help links. If possible, forward them the email, so that they can tell if it was legitimate.

Stay safe, folks.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Linking to library resources in Vista

The first part of this post is for faculty setting up courses in Vista; the second part is for students in courses in Vista.

Faculty: if you'd like to set up links to library resources right in Vista, it's not that hard, but there are some tricks. First, check out my linking guide on the Distance Education Library website. That gives instructions for most of the library databases. (And if you find any problems, let me know.)

Second, test your links from off campus. You really won't know if there is a problem until someone tries is from off campus. At the very least, test your links in a different browser (like Firefox if you are using Internet Explorer to use Vista.) That assures you that there isn't some session cookie set to allow you into the site, but that will prevent someone else (like a student) from getting in.

Third, be sure to check the "Open in New Window" box when entering your web links in Vista. It's just under the box that you enter the URL into. This version of Vista does not allow cookies to be set within it's "frame", and therefore will prevent students from logging into the library databases. By forcing links to open in a new window, you avoid this problem completely. If you have already set up some links, just go to the WebLinks component in Build, and edit each link until they all set to open in new windows.

Fourth, if possible, don't make a library article the first entry in a learning module. When a student clicks into a learning module, the first entry is the one that comes up first. If you have a library article as the first thing, the student has to wait for the article or the log in screen to come up, even if they have already read it. It generally works much better to have a explanation or summary screen here. (The quickest way to make a simple summary screen is to write something up in Word, then Save As Web Page. Upload the file to Vista and add it as the first entry (Add file) to the Learning module. By saving as a webpage, you'll make it come up faster for the students.)

Fifth, provide a full citation for the article, just in case something in the above steps goes wrong. The description field would be a good place for this. If you don't have the full citation, or don't want to give it for some reason, at least put the name of the database somewhere, possibly at the end of the article title:
Individual study, interactive multimedia, or cooperative learning: Which activity best supplements lecture-based distance education? (PsycArticles)

Students: If your professor has put in a link to an article in a library database, you will need to log into the databases if you are off campus. You'll need your ID number and your library PIN. (See Off Campus Access for more info.) You should only need to log in once unless you close your browser or don't do anything for several hours.

If you see a note in the Vista screen that the page has opened in a new window, but you don't see anything, check if the article has opened in a new window behind your Vista one. Depending on your browser settings, it might also open in a new tab if you use a tabbed browser (Firefox, Opera, IE7, etc.)

If you see the database login screen within the Vista frame (so that the Vista banner is at the top and the login is on the same page) you may have trouble logging in. Open a new window or tab (File Menu -- New Window or New Tab; or Ctrl-N (new window)/Ctrl-T (new tab) in most browsers), and go to the library databases. Log in as you normally would. Without closing the database window, go back to the Vista window and try accessing the article again. You might have to go back to the course homepage, or to the beginning of the learning module. As long as you are logged into the databases in the background window, the article should come up.

If you can't use the article link in Vista at all, see if your professor has including the citation to the article somewhere. Maybe in the syllabus, a reading list, or in the little note field under the article link. If not, ask for it or for which database it's in. When you get the citation, use the Journal Locator (under Find Articles on the library home page) to look up the journal title (not the article title!) Check which database has the right year, and click through to that database. You should either be able to pick the needed year off the list, then go into the individual issues (like looking at tables of contents) or do a search for the article title and/or author. If you have the name of the database, then just do a search within that database for the article title and/or author.

I hope this clears up the problems we've been having with linking to the library resources from Vista.

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Buying textbooks online

I get this question a lot: Where can I buy textbooks besides the bookstore? (i.e. the bookstore is sold out, hasn't gotten my book yet, has no used copies, I can't get to campus, etc.)

OK, here is a not very carefully compiled list of online places to buy or find textbooks. This list is not comprehensive. I'm not recommending any of these sites. A lot of these are comparison sites, so there will be a lot of repetition. You might save money and/or time, or you might not. I generally find that buying from actual bookstores is more expensive but the shipping is faster. Buying from individuals can mean excellent prices, but delays in shipping, no matter how much you pay for "express shipping". (It doesn't get to you fast if they take 2 weeks to get it to FedEx.) Be sure to check for ISBN's, editions, and correct authors (there are hundreds of books called "Microbiology"). You might want to ask your professor about using an older edition.

And, of course, it never hurts to check your local libraries; just remember that most libraries do not buy textbooks by policy, though they may end up with some as gifts or because it's a generally useful book besides being used as a textbook. You can also ask your professor to put a copy of the book on reserve (assuming that "I can't get to campus" isn't the reason you are reading this.)

All that said, here's the list. Feel free to add other recommended sites in the comments. (rentals) ( (online ebooks by chapter) (rentals)

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