Monday, August 31, 2009

New Library URL's

Hi folks, long time no write. (Sorry.)

Don't worry, the library home page is still

The Proxy Server (what allows you to log into the databases from off campus) got a new URL at the end of the summer. (No, it wasn't our idea.) You now have the security of logging in to the databases securely.

If you have old links that go directly to the databases, or to articles (etc.) in the databases, those links will not work now. If you like to make your own edits, you'll need to change the to so that a link to JSTOR was and is now

If that made no sense to you, just go back into the databases using the links on the library website and find your database/article again. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll see if I can find it.

The second URL change is for the research guides. We are now using a service called LibGuides for our subject research guides and help pages. So if you had linked to one of our guides, you will need to use a new link. The old pages are getting redirect notes, and the Research Guide link on the library homepage now goes to the new site:

We think we've found most of the old links on our site and changed them, but if you find something that doesn't work, please let me know!

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