Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Library LIBQUAL Survey

To the SCSU Community: Help us make the library better! Take the Buley Library Survey (http://survey.libqual.org/index.cfm?ID=174371) available until April 28, 2006. There is also a raffle if you give us your email address (optional). The survey itself is confidential.

I would especially like to have the opinions of online students and faculty included in this survey, so please pass this on to anyone teaching or learning online at SCSU.

The survey is part of the LIBQUAL survey project from the Association for Research Libraries. The results will allow us to get a report on what library users think about the library, and also to compare our results to the results from similar institutions. LIBQUAL is based on the SERVQUAL customer service survey technique.

Update (4/17/2006): Thanks to Derrik who let me know that the survey URL had a typo. If you got an error message when trying to click on the link, please try again or use the link from the Buley Library Homepage.