Hi folks, it's the semi-annual password post!
Things are a little simpler on the password front this semester. OnlineCSU is gone, so all online courses are accessed through campus systems. That means one less set of credentials to worry about. Here is what we have left:
Southern username: your last name, first initial, and a number, your Southern username is used to log into MySCSU (email and courses), WebCT/Vista, and is your email name. You also use this for network access on campus computers. Mine is hedreenr1, as an example. As you can see, this is public information, being part of your email address, and can be searched at the MySCSU email search. This is also used to identify your campus web space, as in my campus home page,
Southern ID number: your campus ID number appears on your ID (HootLoot) card and is the number you use to log into Banner and the Library. DO NOT give this out to people, as it can allow access to all sorts of official information about you and your educational record.
Passwords (of course, don't give out your passwords):
MySCSU password: For MySCSU email and course sites, and the WebCT/Vista courseware. If you need to reset your password, you'll need to contact the HelpDesk. MySCSU passwords need to be at least 8 characters long and use a combination of lowercase or capital letters, numbers, and "special characters" like punctuation. MySCSU passwords expire every 90 days.
Windows/Network password: This is used only on campus, for logging into computers in the campus labs (Windows and Mac), accessing the wireless network, and the ResNet dorm network. You can reset it to a temporary password, then create a new password by logging on to a computer in a campus lab or the library. You can set your network password to match your MySCSU password, and they have the same requirements and expiration periods.
Library PIN: This is used only for library access, which includes databases from off campus, requesting books from the other CSU libraries, checking circulation records (fines, due dates, etc.), renewing books online, and viewing electronic reserves. Create or check your PIN by logging into CONSULS, the library catalog. If you can't log in, call the Circulation Desk at 203-392-5756 (or 888-500-SCSU, ext 25756), or contact me. Library PIN's should be at least 6 characters long and use numbers and/or letters, no "special characters" or capitalization. They do not expire. (You library account can expire, however, if you are not registered for classes when we receive updates from the registrar. Once you are updated in the system, you will still have the same PIN.) More info at the Off Campus Access page.
A final note: if you register for classes, on or off line, at one of the other CSU campuses, you will receive another set of campus usernames and passwords, including library access. The resources you have access to may be different, depending on which set of credentials you use.
Things are a little simpler on the password front this semester. OnlineCSU is gone, so all online courses are accessed through campus systems. That means one less set of credentials to worry about. Here is what we have left:
Southern username: your last name, first initial, and a number, your Southern username is used to log into MySCSU (email and courses), WebCT/Vista, and is your email name. You also use this for network access on campus computers. Mine is hedreenr1, as an example. As you can see, this is public information, being part of your email address, and can be searched at the MySCSU email search. This is also used to identify your campus web space, as in my campus home page,
Southern ID number: your campus ID number appears on your ID (HootLoot) card and is the number you use to log into Banner and the Library. DO NOT give this out to people, as it can allow access to all sorts of official information about you and your educational record.
Passwords (of course, don't give out your passwords):
MySCSU password: For MySCSU email and course sites, and the WebCT/Vista courseware. If you need to reset your password, you'll need to contact the HelpDesk. MySCSU passwords need to be at least 8 characters long and use a combination of lowercase or capital letters, numbers, and "special characters" like punctuation. MySCSU passwords expire every 90 days.
Windows/Network password: This is used only on campus, for logging into computers in the campus labs (Windows and Mac), accessing the wireless network, and the ResNet dorm network. You can reset it to a temporary password, then create a new password by logging on to a computer in a campus lab or the library. You can set your network password to match your MySCSU password, and they have the same requirements and expiration periods.
Library PIN: This is used only for library access, which includes databases from off campus, requesting books from the other CSU libraries, checking circulation records (fines, due dates, etc.), renewing books online, and viewing electronic reserves. Create or check your PIN by logging into CONSULS, the library catalog. If you can't log in, call the Circulation Desk at 203-392-5756 (or 888-500-SCSU, ext 25756), or contact me. Library PIN's should be at least 6 characters long and use numbers and/or letters, no "special characters" or capitalization. They do not expire. (You library account can expire, however, if you are not registered for classes when we receive updates from the registrar. Once you are updated in the system, you will still have the same PIN.) More info at the Off Campus Access page.
A final note: if you register for classes, on or off line, at one of the other CSU campuses, you will receive another set of campus usernames and passwords, including library access. The resources you have access to may be different, depending on which set of credentials you use.
Labels: LibraryPIN, MySCSU, passwords, Vista