Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Problems with JSTOR and ScienceDirect PDF's

We are having some issues with JSTOR and ScienceDirect PDF's on campus. We're seeing proxy and subscription error messages. If you get something like that (or other errors, for that matter) from off campus, please contact me.

In the meanwhile, keep track of the articles you are trying to access; I'm pretty confident we will have this fixed soon (as soon as we figure out what the actual problem is!) You may want to try going through the Journal Locator to find the journal and get in that way (this works for ScienceDirect--you can see the HTML version of the article, but not the PDF).

Update: (3pm) Add Emerald and American Chemical Society to the list. HTML versions of articles are fine, it's just the PDF's. If you are using the "Find Article @ SCSU" links and the "Article" link won't work, try the "Journal" link, then find the correct issue for your article. We know what the problem is now (proxy server issue) so we are a giant step towards solving it. Please bear with us!

Update: (11/20) The problem is definitely with our proxy server, so on campus access works by using the direct URL (,, etc.) If you can get on campus, that will work. If you can't, and you need the article right away, let me know.

Update: (11/21) All fixed now!

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Friday, November 07, 2008

CONSULS outage

Sorry there hasn't been anything more interesting than outages here recently.

Wednesday, Nov 12 at 6:30AM (Eastern), CONSULS will be down for about half an hour for some maintenance work. The catalog, staff functions, and login to the databases will be down. I'm pretty sure if you are already in a database you will be fine, since the needed cookies will be set, but you won't be able to log into the databases during the outage. I'm not sure about switching from one database to another--I suspect that changing within a vendor would be fine, but maybe not between vendors. (I.e. you could switch from Academic Search Premier to ERIC, both on EBSCO, but maybe not to Library Literature, on FirstSearch.)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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