Right after finals, the library will start moving into the new building. The library will be closed to the public from May 18-26. No staff-related services will be available during this week: Reference, ILL, Circulation, InterCampus Loans (via CONSULS).
**Databases and other electronic resources will still be available.**Depending on how efficiently things go (or not), there will likely be some times when we will not have access to our phones and computers, so we may not even catch your voice mails and emails right away. Please be patient. Everyone in the building is moving that week, including the ILS department on the 4th floor and the IT computer labs and offices on the 3rd floor. (Other IT offices and labs will still be open.)
The building, with the new entrance near the Adanti Student Center, will open at 8 am, Tuesday May 27, 2008 for Summer Session A. At that point, all staff will be moved; services will resume and public service desks and labs will reopen. However, all library materials will not be moved at this point. Depending on where the item is that you are looking for, it may take some time to fetch it for you. Eventually, nearly all library materials will be in the new building, accessible for regular use. A few things will be in storage, mostly special collections materials, until the second half of the construction is complete. New maps and guides for the new arrangements will be up on the library web site soon.
Once all materials are in the library, the former building will be torn down to the steel frame. The "renovation" will take a couple of years.
UPDATE (5/12):
ILL will continue during the move weekLabels: access, announcements, move