Monday, April 28, 2008

Web 2.0 course

It's official now, I'm going to be team teaching ILS 599 Library Technology Trends: Web 2.0 in Summer Session 1 (end of May - end of June), with Dr. Elsie Okobi. It's an online course, with an optional on-campus meeting for anyone who can make it. We'll be covering the basics: blogs, RSS feeds, social bookmarking, etc.

If you are interested in that sort of thing, please sign up! We'll have some fun and play around with some of the Web 2.0 tools and toys out there. (Oh, and by the way, don't look me up in Banner--the class is under Dr. Okobi's name.)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My 15 minutes of fame (in print)

In the April 2008 issue of Library Journal, Meredith Farkas mentioned my use of in the Physics Research Guide. Thanks, Meredith! I'm glad you like it. (And, by the way, whether or not the parts look the same as the rest of the page depends on your browser. There's one computer that I use regularly on which the bullets in the links don't show up right, and it drives me batty!)

I've been toying with the idea of using the same technique for the list of reference books on those pages, too. I don't update that part of the page often enough, so it would be a way of making the updates easier (so that I might actually do them!)

On a technical note, I'm in the midst of changing my tag for subject guide use. I originally used "subjectguide", the subject (physics, chemistry, etc.) and another tag for the section I wanted it in (educational, articles, data, etc.) However, I realized that using "subjectguide" meant that I couldn't use that tag for sites that actually are subject guides. So, I'm part way through changing over to "forsubjectguide". has a great tag management feature that makes changing and adding tags easy (everything tagged "subjectguide" is now tagged "subjectguide forsubjectguide".) Once I get change the coding on the pages themselves, I'll remove "subjectguide" from all those links to finish cleaning up.

And a Thank You! to the student/colleague (I did figure out who you are!) who sent me sites using the for:rhedreen tag over the winter. What do you know, it works!

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