Saturday, November 19, 2005

Blogs and RSS: Teaching and Collaboration in Academia

As the last couple of blog posts mentioned, this week I did a presentation on using blogs and RSS in the higher education classroom (and beyond). Attendance was slim, but the questions were excellent. Thank you to all who could make it. The network was slow, so we didn't get to explore as many websites as I would have wished.

Here is the online handout for the session:

We didn't get to visit all the sites on the lists. So even those who came may find exploring these sites valuable.

I will occassionally add materials to this site, so check back occasionally, or use the RSS buttons at the end of each list to subscribe to the updates in an RSS reader. (The link lists are all set up using RSS feeds, mostly from the bookmarking service - ).

I have also set up my homepage to use RSS feeds, . All the categories after "What I'm doing..." are set up with RSS or similar technologies. That's the calendar, book list, blogs/articles list, links, and photographs.

There are many new developments and someday we will likely see RSS feeds from databases and more search engines, even the library catalog. Prototypes are popping up all over the place. The newer developments include the ability to filter and mix feeds for inclusion on a web site. I didn't have time to show that sort of thing, but I heard a great idea on an education Internet radio show to use a mixing service to add journal tables of contents, search results, and the professor's lectures (via a blog) into the course website. Even audio or video recordings would be possible. Links to library materials could be included (suggested readings?) by bookmarking the deeplinks, then including the RSS for the bookmark service in the mix. I'll have to try a demo (more on that later...)

Update (12/1/05): It was just announced that EBSCO will be adding RSS feeds for it's databases (Academic Search Premier, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, etc.) next year (Jan. 06). Search results and "Journal Alerts" (tables of contents) will be available. (Thanks to Steven Cohen at Library Stuff.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rebecca

looked over your presentation and thought it was a very good one.

5:48 PM, November 19, 2005  

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