Carnival of the InfoSciences #12

Picture uploaded on July 7, 2005
by Le Scribbler
This week's submissions were few, but excellent.
Rick Roche, of ricklibrarian, has a great post describing some of the problems of Open WorldCat for Rural America. Two problems, one regarding membership and one regarding algorithms, combine to create a...umm...bad picture of (and for) libraries in rural areas.
Dave Hook of The Industrial Librarian, submits Lessons Learned From Conducting a User Survey. He has some thought-provoking points about thinking ahead as you create the questions: "What if the most popular response is ‘moderately dissatisfied’? Then what – do you make improvements…only not as much as if people were ‘very dissatisfied’?"
Joy Weese Moll is back with another insightful post at Wanderings of a Student Librarian: Networking works. Joy, I'm going to send the URL to our student listserv, for a little encouragement to our ALA student chapter. Joy's been covering a lot of job and student related topics recently (and I wish she'd been around when I was in graduate school!)
Natalie sent in a suggestion for Phil Bradley's post on the Google Librarian's Center. Phil's blog is great for keeping up with news on searching and webdesign. Personally I haven't signed up for the Google Newsletter by email yet: as the Distant Librarian pointed out when this first surfaced, you can subscribe by RSS via Google Groups.
Whoops, almost forgot this one (sent to Greg at OpenStacks, so it wasn't in the proper email folder): Nettie at Ask Nettie Day comments on why TV makes me a better librarian. I was asked about what I watched in my job interview here. (Not much.) More comments.
Editorial selections:
Picture uploaded on August 12, 2005
by Todd Klassy

One thing I wanted to do as a Carnival editor was to give some examples of relevant posts outside of the immediate library field. As a distance education librarian, I follow a number of ed-tech blogs, but especially Weblogg-ed. I thought that this post, Pull vs. Push Edcuation, was especially meaningful to me as a librarian. Libraries are traditionally push institutions in this sense (trying to keep push and pull straight is quite confusing, as they sometimes seem to switch meanings): "designed to “push” resources in advance to areas of highest anticipated need." What would a "pull" library consist of? Maybe RSS feeds for subjects, including new books and database searches.
This post is also meaningful to me as a blogger. Will Richardson is posting about a post by Stephen Downes, who is posting about a post by John Hagel III, about an article...etc. I do read Stephen Downes' OLDaily, but I didn't pay any attention to this particular post, until Will Richardson commented on it, and I never would have stumbled across Hagel post under "normal" circumstances. That's the beauty of blogs.
Another source I read regularly is SearchEngineWatch. This week they mentioned a nice piece of news regarding the Google Print lawsuits: Author Wants To Be In Google Print, But Publisher Says No. Do authors want exposure (which would include access in libraries) or protection? And who will get to decide?
If you haven't checked out the ALA TechSource blog yet, be sure to give it a look. Makin' Copies and Caching In caught my eye this week, as Tom Peters reflects on copyright, caching, and the moon. He joins Teresa Koltzenburg, Jenny Levine, Karen G. Schneider, and Michael Stephens in blogging for ALA. Regarding copyright, also check out the iTunes at Stanford Questions and Answers (PDF), which states that "sharing music is illegal."
Other things that appeared in my RSS reader this week:
Next week's Carnival of the Infosciences will be held at Tinfoil + Raccoon. Submission instructions are here.
by Le Scribbler
Welcome to the Carnival of the Infosciences, #12!
This week's submissions were few, but excellent.
Rick Roche, of ricklibrarian, has a great post describing some of the problems of Open WorldCat for Rural America. Two problems, one regarding membership and one regarding algorithms, combine to create a...umm...bad picture of (and for) libraries in rural areas.
Dave Hook of The Industrial Librarian, submits Lessons Learned From Conducting a User Survey. He has some thought-provoking points about thinking ahead as you create the questions: "What if the most popular response is ‘moderately dissatisfied’? Then what – do you make improvements…only not as much as if people were ‘very dissatisfied’?"
Joy Weese Moll is back with another insightful post at Wanderings of a Student Librarian: Networking works. Joy, I'm going to send the URL to our student listserv, for a little encouragement to our ALA student chapter. Joy's been covering a lot of job and student related topics recently (and I wish she'd been around when I was in graduate school!)
Natalie sent in a suggestion for Phil Bradley's post on the Google Librarian's Center. Phil's blog is great for keeping up with news on searching and webdesign. Personally I haven't signed up for the Google Newsletter by email yet: as the Distant Librarian pointed out when this first surfaced, you can subscribe by RSS via Google Groups.
Whoops, almost forgot this one (sent to Greg at OpenStacks, so it wasn't in the proper email folder): Nettie at Ask Nettie Day comments on why TV makes me a better librarian. I was asked about what I watched in my job interview here. (Not much.) More comments.
Editorial selections:
Picture uploaded on August 12, 2005
by Todd Klassy

One thing I wanted to do as a Carnival editor was to give some examples of relevant posts outside of the immediate library field. As a distance education librarian, I follow a number of ed-tech blogs, but especially Weblogg-ed. I thought that this post, Pull vs. Push Edcuation, was especially meaningful to me as a librarian. Libraries are traditionally push institutions in this sense (trying to keep push and pull straight is quite confusing, as they sometimes seem to switch meanings): "designed to “push” resources in advance to areas of highest anticipated need." What would a "pull" library consist of? Maybe RSS feeds for subjects, including new books and database searches.
This post is also meaningful to me as a blogger. Will Richardson is posting about a post by Stephen Downes, who is posting about a post by John Hagel III, about an article...etc. I do read Stephen Downes' OLDaily, but I didn't pay any attention to this particular post, until Will Richardson commented on it, and I never would have stumbled across Hagel post under "normal" circumstances. That's the beauty of blogs.
Another source I read regularly is SearchEngineWatch. This week they mentioned a nice piece of news regarding the Google Print lawsuits: Author Wants To Be In Google Print, But Publisher Says No. Do authors want exposure (which would include access in libraries) or protection? And who will get to decide?
If you haven't checked out the ALA TechSource blog yet, be sure to give it a look. Makin' Copies and Caching In caught my eye this week, as Tom Peters reflects on copyright, caching, and the moon. He joins Teresa Koltzenburg, Jenny Levine, Karen G. Schneider, and Michael Stephens in blogging for ALA. Regarding copyright, also check out the iTunes at Stanford Questions and Answers (PDF), which states that "sharing music is illegal."
Other things that appeared in my RSS reader this week:
- Public speaking and wiki-evangelizing from Meredith Farkas at Information Wants to be Free. (Meredith, public speaking does get easier with practice, but I also think you've stumbled on a great technique--give them just enough info to start asking questions, then run with it.)
- Jane at Wandering Eyre really spoke for me in her post, Teaching Information and Research. Will we ever get enough time with students?
- Yahoo text ad - librarians on sale from Andrea Mercado at LibraryTechtonics, points to the hilarious automated text ads that appear in search engines.
- Aaron Schmidt of Walking Paper reviews a reference txting program.
Next week's Carnival of the Infosciences will be held at Tinfoil + Raccoon. Submission instructions are here.
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